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Covid Alert Level update for Thomson Park Bowl Jam

18th October 2021
If you watched today's post-cabinet announcement, you will be aware that Christchurch is in Covid Alert Level 2 for the Thomson Park Bowl Jam this Saturday, October 23.  This means that the event will look very different to previous years and we have created this post to give you all the information you need to know in one place.

This is the beginning of the skateboarding competition season and to date there have already been three competitions postponed indefinitely.  With the uncertainty of the times ahead, we believe it is important to still run The Thomson Park Bowl Jam, even while we are at Level 2 restrictions, for the New Zealand skateboarding community.

Covid Alert Level 2 means we have a limit of 100 people who can attend at any one time, and people must socially distance themselves one metre from anyone they do not know.  While masks are not mandatory, we encourage their use while not skating and there will be free masks and hand sanitizer available to everyone in attendance on the day.

The free Learn to Skate and BBQ have been removed from the schedule.  However, we love our New Brighton community and will be hosting another event late November/early December with our buddies at Cheapskates Skate Skool, to ensure the local kids and supporters do not miss out on what is usually a favorite part of the Thomson Park Bowl Jam.  Follow Yeah Gnar NZ or Skate Skool on social media for information on when this will happen.

Finally,  we have used the budget we usually set aside for seating, to employ a production company to film the entire event and create an edit that will go on YouTube for everyone who isn't able to attend in person.  If you would love to see the action, but it isn't important for you to see it live, please stay at home and watch the competition when it goes online.  It will be available within a week and will even include replays!
If you are coming down on Saturday, please be aware that if the area is at capacity, you may need to wait below the bowl area before given access.  

It has been incredibly strange organising an event with the goal of having the smallest crowd possible in attendance, and as this is the first skateboarding competition being held under Alert Level 2, restrictions,  we couldn't ask our peers for advice.  We also have to acknowledge our buddies in Auckland, Waikato and Northland. Without the hard work you have all been putting in, the Thomson Park Bowl Jam wouldn't even be happening, so we thank and salute you, and hope we get to skate together again real soon.
Author: Daroll
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